Mental health is about diagnosable conditions like depression and anxiety. Emotional health is about common experiences like loneliness, failure, and heartbreak, the non-diagnosable stuff.
Dear Guy 
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Why are some people irritable all the time? And what can you do?
Maybe you have someone like this in your life … or maybe you’re the one who’s too often in a bad mood. Psychologist Guy Winch explores this common problem and shares his advice.

We all know people who just can’t apologize — well, here’s why
Non-apologizers are maddening to be around, especially when they’re clearly in the wrong. Here’s what drives their unrepentant ways and what you can do, from psychologist Guy Winch.

Dear Guy: “I’m sexually frustrated!”
This time, psychologist Guy Winch explains how to talk about an unfulfilling sex life with your partner — and get what you want.

Dear Guy: “I feel like I’m my husband’s maid!”
How do you change a very old agreement that was made in a marriage? With honesty, specificity and accountability, says psychologist Guy Winch.
Boost your emotional mastery!
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Want to be on the show? Send your problem to
SEP 18, 2023
Encore: S02 Ep 9 - Wendy’s Ruptured Friendship
Hey, Fellow Travelers. This week we’re in session with Wendy, who wonders whether a childhood friendship is worth saving after some conflict. We help her to move out of her comfort zone and tendency toward avoidance by opening up some difficult conversations she’s never had before--not just with her friend, but also with her husband.If you have a dilemma you’d like to discuss with us—big or small—email us at us both and on Twitter @LoriGottlieb1 and Instagram and on Twitter @GuyWinch and Instagram @Guy WinchLearn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
SEP 18, 2023
Encore: S02 Ep 9 - Wendy’s Ruptured Friendship
Hey, Fellow Travelers. This week we’re in session with Wendy, who wonders whether a childhood friendship is worth saving after some conflict. We help her to move out of her comfort zone and tendency toward avoidance by opening up some difficult conversations she’s never had before--not just with her friend, but also with her husband.If you have a dilemma you’d like to discuss with us—big or small—email us at us both and on Twitter @LoriGottlieb1 and Instagram and on Twitter @GuyWinch and Instagram @Guy WinchLearn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
Select Writings
A short list of some of my most popular articles and press.

American Psychological Association

Taking Psychology to the People
APA member Guy Winch, PhD, wants to share effective strategies for managing common…

5 Things Therapists Wish You Didn’t Do During Video Sessions
Teletherapy provides a great opportunity to continue psychotherapy during a pandemic. But I've encountered a few minor challenges.

10 Ways to Make Yourself More Likable
Likability is not the most important quality but for those who strive to improve how they come across to others, here are some steps they can take to do so:

10 Signs You Have Pandemic Fatigue and How to Cope
Months of stress, anxiety and uncertainty are taking their toll on our emotional health. Here's what you can do about it.

Do Internet Based Interventions for Loneliness Work?
How close are we to providing broad based psychological interventions for loneliness to anyone with access to the internet?

Advisory Services
Corporations, Startups and Brands


Emotional First Aid Toolkit

Alma co-practicing community: great therapists practice here
Some of the companies I've had the privilege of working with.